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Friday, April 04, 2014

SPECIAL POST: www.LeilaBelAnne.com >1,000 views

A massive THANK YOU to everyone who has viewed, shared, liked, and repinned my blog.  Over 1,000 page views!  Crazy!  And I swear I did not keep refreshing pages and clicking on 'View Blog' all the time...or did i?  No, I didn't.  *smiling from ear to ear

>1,000 views in its first 2 months (first post - Feb 6 2014).  It's all good if this took longer than average because now I have a new goal - doubling viewership in a shorter period.

Selected Stats:
Top 3 Countries
1. Canada
2. US
3. Israel

Top 3 Posts
1. Scent the Scarves
2. SNAP! Makeshift photo set v2
3. First Post: Version 1.4

Thank you again.  And please keep viewing, sharing, liking, and repinning to help spread the LeilaBel Anne Word!  Dang...thanks y'all.

Much love and appreciation,

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