Focus of Part 1: Quick Glance. I didn't go into my first show blind. I knew I had to put together a table that was just as creative as the products I make. Search engine: 'craft show' 'table displays'. Results: Incredible work. Here are a few examples...
Source: Indie Fixx
Source: Carosello
Source: Crinoline
J'adore the cluttered, vintage look - the direction I went. Why? Aesthetically, it appeals to me. Remember my candle holder lamp that inspired me? Practically, I own a few pieces that I love, but don't get to showcase them properly (eg. a small, vintage suitcase my aunt brought with her from the Philippines was used to store my bead boxes in the laundry room instead of being seen for the coolness that it is). After months of rummaging in homes, thrift stores, antique shops, indoor yard sales and online classifieds, I've collected a variety of props and displays. My table reflected the LeilaBel Anne colours (oranges, tans, browns, yellows) and its vintage style will match my product photos (which is on my 'I Really Need to Get on This! To-Do List').

Next post: PART 2: Displaying the goods - show table details. I'll go into detail with my table - why I did that and this with that thing and those stuff. You know what I mean. :) Check you on Sunday!
Much love,
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