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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Accepting orders!

Create an order from.  CHECK. 
I don't have a price list up in my Products section yet, but I do have my order form completed.  Backwards.  I know.

With just over a month until my first show,  I've entered panic mode .  Right now, my to-do list contains 20+ administrative and display-related tasks.  With each cross-out, my stress decreases...for only 2.5 seconds because it's replaced with something else I need to do.

So relief lasted 2.5 seconds when I finished working on my order form-paper (#17).
After researching other form templates online, I created mine with Word (oh how I miss my office days when Adobe was my best friend when making interactive forms).

Blogger doesn't allow PDF uploads, so I first had to upload to Google Drive > make it accessible to the public > embed the code.  Which brings me to a review...

REVIEW TIME: Google.  You smart little company you.  My email - owned by Google.  This blog - owned by Google.  My documents - stored by Google.  Gmail, Blogger, Drive.  If you haven't tried Google Drive, USE IT!  Not only does it act as an external hard drive for your important documents which are accessible anywhere with an internet connection, but there are other great functions.  Pour example, the public can view PDFs and forms created can be embedded onto a blog.  I recently created a form that I use on my Contact page.  Blogger doesn't have a contact gadget that can be dedicated to its own page.  It's current contact gadget is some small thing that can only be embedded on the side bar.  Useless.

Anyway, back to my order form...I'm accepting orders!  Well, more like I have the administrative paperwork which will make it easier for processing and record keeping.  I'm reserving all my stuff for the show on May 10th.  It's not just about making the handmade item when starting a handmade goods business.  There's all the behind the scenes processes and tasks that need to be done in order to have an organized, properly executed business - having an order form is one of those processes.  I really hope I'm doing this right...if there is a 'right.'

Much love,

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