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Sunday, March 02, 2014

SNAP! Camera + projects = SUPER CUTEness captured

Note to newcomers and experienced photo editing peoples: I'm not an expert, but I'm actively learning.  Basic knowledge I have is:
1. Using a digital SLR camera provides better quality images than my phone  UPDATE: I found my older point-and-shoot digital camera.  For my purposes (images for small print and online), a digital SLR isn't necessary.
2. Natural light is ideal
3. Products need to be placed in context

Very basic knowledge.

I recently took photos of some of my LeilaBel Anne (LBA) projects that I'm considering to reproduce and sell.  I bought the supplies needed to create a lightbox, but due to lack of time, I made a temporary set instead.

These are the conditions I have in my family room that make it oookkkaaayyy to take photos:
-Large glass, French doors
-Chair with a tall back
-White fabric and white Bristol board

In front of the doors (making sure I took the photos around noon - prime sunlight time, no shadows), I placed a chair with a tall back.  I draped my white, fleece fabric over the seat and back of the chair (making sure the fabric curved upward).  Since I have small items, the surface of the seat was large enough.  In this photo, I'm showing how I taped the Bristol board to the back of the chair.

The pictures turned out alright, but I did alter the images to make them more vibrant, staying true to the actual colours.  Shadows...because the natural light wasn't bright enough and I placed my chair at a poor angle in front of the doors.

Context - staging your product  in relation to its purpose.  My daughter's room - the lighting is poor, so once again, I had to alter the images.  What helped is the white furniture she has - sofa set and bedroom set.  Yes, she has a sofa set.  I moved into my husband's home and wanted furniture that matched my style.  There was no room for my set in the family room, so I made space in my daughter's zone.

Learning moment!
Taking photos during the day is difficult with a toddler and a teething infant - rightfully needy little girlies.  I need to make a lightbox so I can take photos in the evening when my husband is home.  I have enough boxes from diapers...no excuses.  It also eliminates shadows.  I'll take photos and post that project another time.

Much love,

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